No. 8 | Speed Kills
In the May edition of The Santa Fe New Mexican’s Home Magazine, I talk about the importance of choosing the right design criteria for the design and planning of our road infrastructure. Urban Sense. Read the Article: I love …
In the May edition of The Santa Fe New Mexican’s Home Magazine, I talk about the importance of choosing the right design criteria for the design and planning of our road infrastructure. Urban Sense. Read the Article: I love …
In the March edition of The Santa Fe New Mexican’s Home Magazine, I talk about my thoughts about adobe, and why I think you should choose adobe. Urban Sense. Read the Article: It is no secret that there are …
In the February edition of The Santa Fe New Mexican’s Home Magazine, I talk about the housing situation in Santa Fe. Urban Sense. Read the Article: The suburban model is hitting its limit. Infill development is occurring in the …
In the January edition of The Santa Fe New Mexican’s Home Magazine, I talk about change and how it impacts the world around us. Urban Sense. Read the Article: I have been driving the same road for 30 years, …
In the December edition of The Santa Fe New Mexican’s Home Magazine, I talk about the New Old Santa Fe Style, its history, and its future in my column Urban Sense. Read the Article: Old Santa Fe Style is …
In the October edition of The Santa Fe New Mexican’s Home Magazine, I talk about the benefits and value of repairing older wood windows vs. replacing them with new windows, in my column Urban Sense. Read the Article: Older …
In the September edition of The Santa Fe New Mexican’s Home Magazine, I discuss pros and cons of compact living in my column Urban Sense. Read the Article: Urban Design transforms our lives street by street, subdivision by subdivision, …
With excitement, I introduce to you my new monthly column for The Santa Fe New Mexican called “Urban Sense“. Look for it in the Home magazine on page 18. I will be discussing issues relating to Historic Preservation, Urban Design …
This June I had the honor to host a virtual panel discussion with my colleagues at Friends of Architecture to celebrate leading voices in Santa Fe’s design and planning community. We enjoyed a lively discussion on how informed, participatory approaches …
ARCHITECTURE Santa Fe: A Guidebook It’s hard to walk through Santa Fe without being enchanted by the city’s signature style of buildings. If you’ve ever felt this way, you will find Paul Weideman’s ARCHITECTURE Santa Fe: A Guidebook to be …