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2 years ago

Believe it or not, the main addition to this beautiful portal is not that fantastic, rounded shape — the shape was original to the building!

My clients worked hard to maintain and support the ... See more

2 years ago

Isn't this door so striking?

You can see this door at the Los Luceros historic site. Though it looks weathered and so very much like an essential part of the building, it's not an original feature. ... See more

2 years ago

My best ideas come to me while I'm living my life.

Whether you're hiking, cooking, showering, or even cleaning the house, action is what gets you where you want to go. I really like this quote from ... See more

2 years ago

I love this bathroom design...

The windows are strategically placed to let in natural light while maintaining privacy, thanks to the lovely stained glass panels and the skylight. The green plants in ... See more

2 years ago

I have the sweetest coworkers! ❤️

Often you'll find them at the office sleeping under my desk while I work. They are so friendly and everyone who meets them loves them. I'm so grateful to have ... See more

3 years ago

This stunning home is one of my favorite projects.

In 2005, we had added this portal outside and adorned the walls with softly glowing starlight fixtures from Mexico. This decorative touch really ... See more

3 years ago

Everyone deserves this kind of contentment in life - the ease and wonder that arrives unspoken but deeply felt.

It's our responsibility as people, especially if we're creative people, to create good ... See more

3 years ago

This guest bedroom design is so special to me. The beautiful painting above the bed was created by my mother, Mary Bechtol.

Aside from her mastery of demonstrating nature's elegance in many ... See more

3 years ago

Are you coming to the Friends of Architecture Santa Fe PechaKucha tonight?

At 6PM this evening at the Center for Contemporary Arts on 1050 Old Pecos Trail, enjoy the wisdom and work of composer ... See more

3 years ago

Design can be totally forgotten! People love walking around downtown Santa Fe because it was BUILT for PEOPLE! Design is all around us, impacting us every day.

#santafe #southwesterndecor ... See more