Friends of Architecture
March 9, 2025
by Gayla

ReVISION — The Future of Santa Fe Style

Since 1912, our regional architectural style has been overwhelmingly successful in accomplishing its explicit goals of promoting tourism and economic development. And for all but the last two or three decades, our style project has been oriented towards envisioning Santa Fe’s future, projecting its growth, and creating new urban forms. 

Given the unique challenges we face more than a century later, how might we reimagine the Santa Fe Style? Reevaluate its purpose? Reassess its values and audience? Recover its design creativity and vision of the future?  

Our 2024 ReVISION Series is an examination of the future of the City Different as it appeared at key moments from 1912 to the present. Together we will explore the invention and rich evolution of the Santa Fe Style and how we might have different conversations with the past about our collective future. Four unique events over the course of the year will provide a myriad of ways to engage in this discussion.

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