Pecha Kucha Night
PechaKucha 20×20 Santa Fe | My R/UDAT Presentation

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Hello dear friends,
I had the absolute pleasure of presenting at a local PechaKucha 20×20 recently, hosted at the Violet Crown. It was a lovely evening: an informal and fun gathering of local creatives to share ideas and stories about our community.
The name ‘Pecha Kucha 20×20’ comes from the night’s presentation format, where presenters show 20 images for 20 seconds each during their talk. You can find out more about these events, and find an upcoming presentation in your community, by visiting the official PechaKucha website.
The event was sponsored in part by AIA Santa Fe, and I was honored to have had the opportunity to present about R/UDAT, the AIA’s participatory design project that gave us the Santa Fe Railyard Community Plan. You may remember a blog post I published about that story earlier this year.
This is a project that is dear to my heart, and was the planted seed that eventually grew into the award-winning, well-loved community space we have today. For those of you who were unable to attend, I recorded my presentation so you could still hear this wonderful story and take some inspiration from it. You can watch it below.